“Unveiling Nikki Haley’s Bold Vision for America: Power, Passion, and Patriotism!”

Nikki Haley wants to send special forces to Mexico

In 2024, Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley wants to send special forces to Mexico to eliminate the drug cartel, double military aid to Ukraine, and make sure China understands that if it attacks Taiwan, it will have to “pay the price.”

Former American diplomats with extensive political knowledge at the United Nations are aggressively arguing that foreign policy doesn’t resonate with American voters in the elections.

Despite narrowly polling in single digits in the polls for the Republican nomination, Haley is still focusing on winning over voters, concentrating on her foreign policy vision in a party where isolationism has gained momentum.

I served as a soldier for 11 years in Europe, according to Al Lepin, a 75-year-old retiree. I am aware of the risks, and it will be devastating if (Russia) annexes Ukraine.

This week, Haley acknowledged in an interview with Reuters that she is counseling a divided party but said she sees her role as educating voters, not demonstrating that she already shares their views.

While Haley is currently running fourth in most public opinion surveys for the Republican nomination, she said, “If you come to my town halls, you hear me talk about it, and I talk about it because I want Americans to know all the facts.”

Haley, who served for two years at the United Nations, argued, “When Americans are told the truth, when they are given all the facts, they understand why I’m passionate about it, and why they should care.” Former U.S. ambassador under President Donald Trump.

Particularly after Russia’s 2022 invasion, Haley’s position on providing military aid to Ukraine puts her at odds with most activists in her party. In a July Reuters/Ipsos poll, roughly 52% of Republicans said they were less likely to support a candidate who backs increasing military aid to Ukraine.

Advisers say the campaign is taking a strategic gamble that Nikki Haley’s full-throated support for Ukraine is more popular among voters who hope to outflank Trump in the Republican Party, where populism has gained traction.

“Let the chips fall.”

Nikki Haley said she uses her town hall to explain to voters that it is essential to ensure that Ukraine has the necessary tools to fend off Russians, so American troops are not deployed there anytime soon.

I go and put it there, and I let the chips fall wherever I can, she added.

The stance has put her in conflict with rivals, including Republican front-runner Trump, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, and tech entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy.

Advisers argue that those Republicans who are least supportive of Ukraine are more likely to be Trump supporters, so giving them encouragement is not a good strategy.

In a statement made during the campaign and seen by Reuters, campaign manager Betsy Ankney referred to comments by DeSantis in March in which he dismissed the Ukraine conflict as a “regional dispute,” which was an example of a rival attempting to appeal to the party’s most enthusiastic Trump voters.

“The majority of favorable voters are the ones you might call ‘hawks’,” said one adviser, requesting anonymity.”Those who think we shouldn’t support Ukraine are voting for Trump and won’t ever support anyone else.”

You may categorize the vast majority of supportive supporters as “hawks.”

In two town halls in New Hampshire, Nikki Haley discussed her foreign policy at length, including her views on Russia, China, and Ukraine, as well as other American adversaries like Iran, Venezuela, and China.

Without the approval of the Mexican government, call for an attack on the Mexican drug cartel by sending U.S. special forces,” she said in her interview with Reuters.

She said, “Okay, go ahead, go to the Mexican government first, you say, or we do it, but you don’t wait.”

In the case of China, she wasn’t eager to confront the world’s second-largest economy, unless it attempted to invade democratically ruled Taiwan, which China claims as its own.

“We need to tell China that if they touch Taiwan, they will pay a heavy price,” Nikki Haley said. “So, are we going to defend Taiwan? We’ll do whatever it takes to protect our friend.”

Since her first Republican primary debate on August 23, Nikki Haley has seen more attention from Republican voters, where she emphasized the importance of confronting Russia and China. According to polling averages, her support has doubled since then but still stands at around 7%.

In two town halls in New Hampshire, attendees were divided over Haley’s foreign policy, which illustrates the challenging situation she finds herself in. Some present said their support for her was because of her stance on Ukraine.

Al Lepin, a 75-year-old retired engineer, said, “I spent 11 years in Europe as a soldier. I know the dangers there, and if (Russia) takes over Ukraine, it will be catastrophic.”

Others said they were hesitant to vote for Nikki Haleybecause of it.

Mike Lofts, a 68-year-old retired engineer, said, “I think she’s a bit too hawkish.” “I don’t think we should be involved in all the conflicts around the world.”

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