“Secret Ballot Shocker: Who Will Be the New House Speaker?”

Who Will Be the New House Speaker

Ohio’s Republican representative Jim Jordan was chosen as the new candidate for the House Speaker after a secret vote on Friday, following the anonymous ballot.

California’s Republican representative Kevin McCarthy, who had served as the House from January to October, expressed his confidence that Jordan would ultimately receive enough votes to become the new Speaker.

After Florida’s Republican representative Matt Gaetz’s attempt to remove McCarthy from the speakership, he was ousted. On Wednesday, Louisiana’s Republican representative Steve Scalise, in a closed-door vote among House Republicans, defeated Jordan to become a candidate, but he withdrew his name the following day.

News correspondent Manu Raju spoke with McCarthy after Jordan’s nomination was announced, and asked whether it was possible for Jordan to run for Speaker with just 152 votes on his nomination paper. (To secure the position, a candidate needs at least 217 votes in the entire House.)

On July 24, 2018 in Washington, DC, Republican Representative Kevin McCarthy of California speaks at a weekly press conference alongside Republican House leaders. On October 10, 2023, Republican Representative Jim Jordan of Ohio comes on Capitol Hill in Washington, DC for a meeting with the Florida Republican delegation regarding the contest for Speaker of the House. After Republicans nominated the Ohio congressman for the position, McCarthy expressed his confidence that Jordan will take over as the next speaker of the House. Win. Credit: McNamee/MANDEL NGAN/AFP/Getty Images photographs

McCarthy replied, “Yes, but he’ll get there. I don’t see any problem with him not getting there.”

McCarthy went on to suggest that Jordan would be able to win the hearts of more members of the House after taking time off to be with his family.

Raju then inquired how McCarthy could be so confident about Jordan’s prospects when he needs to convince more than 50 people to vote for him.

Before making a list of others the California Congressman said, “I’ve been through this several times.” Those nominated eventually reached the position after trailing in the votes.

Newsweek reached out to McCarthy and Jordan’s representatives for comments on Friday night.

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