“Breaking News: Judge’s Jaw-Dropping Decision in Favor of Trump’s 2024 Run!”

Donald Trump was rejected by a judge

The Colorado case involving former president Donald Trump was rejected by a judge on Tuesday in an attempt to have it dismissed from the state’s 2024 elections. Chief U.S. District Judge Philip A. Brimmer returned the case to a state court in Denver County where it was originally filed by a group of six voters last week in a four-page order.

Former president George W. Bush appointee Brimmer said that He did not properly serve Democratic Colorado Secretary of State Jena Griswold or get her permission before attempting to dismiss the case. Secretary Griswold accepted service before Mr. Trump attempted to remove the case, and the court determined the removal to be unlawful because of this, Brimmer wrote.
be procedurally unsound.

The request for comments on Tuesday night did not immediately receive a response from Trump’s lawyer.
Sean Grimsley, an attorney for the voters, issued a statement in which he expressed satisfaction with Chief Judge Brimmer’s decision to deny former President Trump’s request to transfer the matter to federal court. On behalf of our clients, we are eager to argue our case in state court.

Trump had just a few days before asked for the case to be moved to federal court, claiming the 14th Amendment as his major justification. Then, a number of groups, including the watchdog organization Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington and six voters, filed this lawsuit.

The 14th Amendment stipulates in part that anyone who “engaged in insurrection or rebellion” against the United States after swearing allegiance to the Constitution is ineligible to hold any office. The argument in the lawsuit is that His participation in the riots on January 6th was a violation of his oath.

In a number of states, including Arizona, Minnesota, New Hampshire, and others, the legal challenges to Trump’s eligibility to run for president in 2024 have gathered traction. voting officials. As they get ready for their state primaries for the next Republican presidential nominee, these states are taking these issues into consideration.
Attempts to get his name removed from ballots have been criticized by Trump as “nonsense” and “election interference.”

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