“🔥 DeSantis’ Secret Weapon Unveiled: How He’s Shaking Up Iowa in a Surprising Twist!”

DeSantis’ Secret Weapon Unveiled

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – “Their campaign said on Wednesday that inspired by the influx of new cash flow, Republican candidate Ron DeSantis‘ presidential bid is relocating more resources to Iowa, including transferring key members of his team there.

These moves highlight the crucial role Iowa, the state where the first Republican nomination contest is held on January 15th, plays in DeSantis’ campaign. Florida Governor’s campaign has turned it into a make-or-break state as they are trailing behind Republican candidate Donald Trump in polling across Iowa and other places.

The DeSantis campaign announced on Wednesday that it raised $15 million during the third quarter, although not all of these funds will be available for use during the Republican primary. This is less than the $20 million raised during the second quarter, signaling a potential donor frustration with his inability to catch up with Trump’s commanding lead.

The campaign stated that it is planning to relocate approximately three-quarters of its staff to Iowa ahead of the competition, including strategists and communication specialists. The New York Times was the first media outlet to report on this move.

Campaign manager James Uthmeyer stated in a statement, “This significant fundraising not only provides us with the necessary resources for Iowa and beyond but also puts an end to those who had been doubting Ron DeSantis for a long time.”

DeSantis is counting on Iowa’s socially conservative community, which includes evangelical and other faith-based voters, to follow the paths charted by other recent Republican victors in the state, including American Rick Santorum, a former senator, and Senator Ted Cruz.

His goal is to campaign in all 99 counties of Iowa and engage in an aggressive ground game in rural areas of Iowa, in contrast to big rallies, which are known for attracting sizable crowds but are often less effective in these smaller, more intimate settings.”

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