“Vivek Ramaswamy Drops Bombshell Revelation: What Mike Pence Missed on January 6 Could Have Changed History!”

Vivek Ramaswamy argued that Mike Pence lost a “historic opportunity”

• On January 6, 2021. Vivek Ramaswamy argued that Mike Pence lost a “historic opportunity”

• Ramaswamy stated during NBC’s “Meet the Press” that Pence should have demanded significant election reforms.
• On Sunday, the Pence campaign labeled Ramaswamy’s comments as “startling and concerning.”

Republican presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy said on Sunday that former Vice President Mike Pence squandered a “historic opportunity” to alter the course of the 2020 presidential election results before certifying them on January 6, year 2021.

During a presence at NBC’s “Meet the Press,” the 38-year-old entrepreneur and first-time political candidate Ramaswamy stated that if he were in Pence’s position, he would have taken a different perspective for election certification.

I would have tackled it quite differently, he remarked. I think it was a historic moment for this country to come together again in that window, which he squandered. “I would have tackled it quite differently, he remarked. I believe that the opportunity he missed to bring our nation back together was a historic one.

It was followed by him saying, “What I would have said is this: This is a moment of true national consensus, where there are two imperatives for a functioning democracy in America.” “The first is a safe election, and the second is a smooth change of leadership. And that’s a courageous moment when those two things clash.

Then Ramaswamy said that before approving the 2020 results, he would have made sure that significant election reforms were approved by Congress.He said, “We need an Election Day one-day vote, paper ballots, and a government-issued ID issued from voter files,” which is what I would have suggested. And if we succeed in doing so, we will have won and shouldn’t have any more complaints about electoral integrity.
He stated, “I would have brought it before the Senate.

Additionally, he added, “As Senate President, I would have led that level of reform, certified the election results on that condition, handed it to President – President Trump – and then signed it into law.” And on January 7th, we declared a campaign for a free and fair election to be held in order to run for re-election. That was a squandered opportunity, in my opinion.
Ramaswamy’s remarks were swiftly denied by David James, Pence’s press secretary for the presidential campaign.

Vivek’s statement on January 6 is startling, according to him, and shows a lack of grasp of how our political system operates.

In 2020, former President Trump pushed Vice President Pence to reverse President Biden’s victory, but Pence refused.
Some Pence’s fans had turned against him because they were angry that he wouldn’t comply with Trump’s demands when Trump supporters stormed the Capitol on January 6. Pence was then brought to a safe area of the building.

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